A few days ago it was reported that Angelina Jolie rubbed caviar cream onto her face and arms to look younger. The cost per treatment is $400.
What a strange world. To most people who know what caviar is, it's a delicacy. Now rich people rub it into their skin!
So because of this news I wrote a letter about the World's New Year Resolution should be...
Caviar is a modern miracle.
It makes the world's #1 celebrity humanitarian, Angelina Jolie, look younger.
So should the world undertake plastic surgery? Should we all squash fish eggs into our face?
No... Let's just end starvation. It can be done. Yet world leaders are distracted.
I Googled "end terrorism" and got 108,000 responses. So is it any wonder the world wastes trillions of dollars hunting down morons with death wishes?
Kyoto is cool too, as "end global warming" scored 49,500 Google responses.
So I just Googled "end starvation" on behalf of the 781 children who just died in the last hour.
The bad news is "end starvation" only scored 8,570 responses on Google.
Yet the good news is that ending starvation is MUCH easier than ending terrorism or global warming!
It's cheap too!
The war in Iraq, the coalition of the willing's best attempt yet to "end terrorism" has cost the USA alone $481 billion. Let's round this up to half a trillion dollars all up.
Yet that's nothing compared to the cost of global warming that kicks in at $9 trillion.
If ending starvation was on sale, you'd most likely find it at the Reject Shop or some other discount superstore. You see it's a bargain. Where else can you buy such a noble goal as ending starvation for a mere $50 billion a year?
The answer is you can't. And as any parent knows (I've got three) there can be no peace when children cry (and die) from hunger...
If just 12 more people every day get clean water and quality calories, starvation will be ended by 2012. Subtract calories from obese countries, add them to starving countries and both survive.
Caviar anyone?
Copyright 2007 Jonathan Crabtree. May be reproduced in full provided copyright notice remains.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The World's New Year Resolution - End Starvation
Angelina Jolie,
end starvation,