Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How to save someone starving to death...

Having declared war on starvation, I guess I better know what to do if I met a starving person.

People starving to death can be treated in the same way I once saved a possum. However you have to treat the starving person with care and cautiously or shock can set in.

Firstly the starving person should be given small amounts of sugared water. After this follow up with diluted milk, followed by whole milk. Then once the person can digest these liquids, can simple foods be given.*

So what happens next? Let's fast forward 20 years. The person you saved is now aged 25.** And you are a legend! The girl you saved has been educated and has a job. She has started a family of her own and her family and her children tell the story of hoe YOU were such a hero back in 2008.

Of course you feel pretty modest about your hero status. You say anybody would have done the same in your situation.

But they don't!

The furthest by time anybody lives from anybody else is 22 hours in a Boeing 747.*** Yet how far away are we from anybody by phone or email? The answer is seconds.

So if you saw a starving child 100 metres away you'd help it, just as you might help a lost puppy. A hundred years ago it took months to sail from one country to another. Now it only takes seconds to be amongst the world of children needing a sip of sugary water to live another hour...

So why don't we simply end starvation? And what can we do?

Subscribe to my blog and we'll see if we can work it out together!

* Source
** Why 25? Well that's likely as 3/4 of people dying from a lack of clean water and calories (starvation) are aged under 5.
*** The earth's circumference is 40,075 km. As a Boeing 747-400 cruises at 913 km/h the time to go half way around the world is in theory, about 22 hours.