Monday, January 21, 2008

Will Biofuels Demand Cause Mass Starvation?

Will grain production to produce bio-fuels lead to a transfer of crops for food to crops for fuel?

Will the current oil price of $US 100 a barrel contribute to starvation? Cuban President Fidel Castro has strongly criticised the use of biofuels by the US, in his first article since undergoing surgery last year.

He said George W Bush's support for the use of food crops in fuel production would cause 3bn deaths from hunger. Let's hope this is politicking and NOT reality!

Interesting read...

My own view is that the increase in the information economy will greatly reduce the need to commute to and from work. Cyber/tele commuting will do far more for peak hour traffic jams and gridlock.

And lessen our need for oil.

So it's not all doom and gloom. We should all remember though. We don't need oil! Ride a bike. Walk. Join a carpool. Ask your boss if you can work from home 1 day a week.

Think different!